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Amber Sheets
Feb 11
Becoming the Island: Building a Space of Relevance in a World of Noise
How The Passion Company's founders are revolutionizing wellness by building an authentic space for transformation beyond the trends.

Jeremy Lasman
Jan 14
The Soul in the Machine: How AI Will Illuminate Our Humanity
AI illuminates human essence, pushing us from survival to passion, revealing what truly makes us human.

Jeremy Lasman
Aug 22, 2023
Unleashing the Superhuman in All of Us
When I speak of 'superhuman performance', don't envision Marvel-esque feats of strength. It's not about the aspiration to leap...

Jeremy Lasman
Aug 8, 2023
Transforming Anxiety into a Superpower
As someone who has struggled with anxiety for most of my life, I know firsthand how it can be overwhelming, debilitating, and...

Jeremy Lasman
May 27, 2023
“I was cured all right” — Alex DeLarge, A Clockwork Orange I was a big picture dreamer stuck in neuroses and perfectionism. Imagination...

Jeremy Lasman
May 11, 2023
The Vision of Universal Imagination
Upgrading The Human Experience To See Our Future Is Here Right Now

Jeremy Lasman
Apr 12, 2023
From Anxiousness to Equanimity
If you are energetically sensitive like me, you are probably feeling the unbelievably wild energies on the planet right now. There is of...

Jeremy Lasman
Mar 29, 2023
The Five Steps to Transform Pain
1. Time Ask yourself “How much time does this experience of pain contain?” 1 year? 5 years, 10 years? This will show you a new relative...

Jeremy Lasman
Mar 4, 2023
Positivity vs. Negativity, and the Plight of the Perfectionist
“My creativity, passion and energy is so weighed down that I can’t start anything, how do I overcome this?” I am a recovering...

Jeremy Lasman
Mar 1, 2023
Staying Strong During the Greatest Collective Evolution in the History of Humanity
How Entertainment is the Key to Unlock Your Quantum Abilities and Why Self-Awareness is the Most Valuable Asset to Your Alignment

Jeremy Lasman
Feb 1, 2023
I Want My Imagination Back
When I was first introduced to try meditation I could barely sit still for 5 minutes. I would get all situated, play some relaxing music,...

Jeremy Lasman
Jan 11, 2023
The Identity of Work
In a cellular dead zone and my cable modem has just died… As technology breaks around me I’m left with nothing to connect to but myself....
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